
The Department of Physical Education of DENTAL has a dedicated team working hard to increase the overall enthusiasm & engagement in sports on the campus and the smooth conduct of sports tournaments throughout the year. The aim is to provide each individual with equal opportunity and ensure good talents among the campus community are always spotted and encouraged.
The Department organizes sports activities and events with the objective to encourage sportsmanship generally and to foster strong interpersonal relationships among the students. The sports activities are believed to result in greater harmony, health-consciousness, goodwill, teamwork and brotherhood among the community in the campus besides enabling the identification of talented sportpersons among the students.
Besides the regular sporting activities inside the campus, students are well informed about the inter-college tournaments that happen regularly in the country and are encouraged and provided with all the support to participate in them. Talents and interests are well nurtured and encouraged so that they eventually become part of the campus team which represents the institution in all the inter-college events. Freshers’ sports meet is conducted every year so as to expose the new students to the sporting culture of the campus and thereby eventually becoming a part of the team of the sport they are interested in.